Friday, December 28, 2012

Changes for 2013 Season

Hey everyone,

Here are some changes that I am considering putting into place for the 2013 season. These, for the most part, are all just ideas at this point and I'm looking for opinions and feedback on how to handle making these changes.

I no particular order, here they are:

  • Rule Changes
    • Overall I think our rules are working fairly well, every once and a while we've had a player who refuses to call hits, but for the most part things have been pretty good in terms of players following the rules, there are however, a couple things I think need to change.
      • 1. I think our minimum engagement system needs some tweaks. I've had some confusion from players about what happens when two players fall within the 15ft MED, and I honestly have had trouble giving them clear answers about what to do. I think at this point we have a few options:
        • Option A: Get rid of the 15ft MED for general combat altogether (still having SAW and sniper limits) . This would obviously be easiest to enforce, but safety becomes a big issue, also there would potentially be problems that make it harder to find support from the community as well. Without any MED, there's a good chance someone is going home bloody. Parent's don't like to pick up bloody kids, so not only would removing the MED create more safety risks, it also could create a problem for public image, which whether you like it or not, is something that we must always keep in mind.
        • Option B: Keep the 15th MED, but get rid of the safety/"bang bang" kill. This option keeps the safety barrier intact, but eliminates the safety kill which is very difficult to enforce and regulate. The option of calling "Parlay" would still stand, in which players within the MED would call the "Parlay" and fall back to safe engagement distances.
        • Option C: Keep a 15ft MED, but change the rules to allow for SEMI-AUTO and side arms to be used within this limit. This keeps someone from getting completely torn up at pointblank and eliminates the safety kill/parlay system that has been difficult to enforce. I am leaning toward this option, but I would like feedback from you on it.
      • 2. Implementing a strike system for players who break the rules.
        • While we haven't had many players who have broken the rules, as the numbers increase the chances of players who choosing not to obey field rules will increase as well. I found a strike system used by another airsoft field that I think might be a good option to use in enforcing the rules in an effective and consistent way. This is how it works:
          • At each game day, a player gets a small card which they write their name on. If they are caught breaking a rule, the referee will take the players card and draw an "X" on it. It they are caught breaking the rules again, they ref will draw another "X" on the card. If the player is caught breaking the rule a third time, the ref will take the card away and ask the player to leave the premises for the day. The card will be used to keep a log of players who have chronic rule violations and may be asked not to attend future games.
        • Again, I would like some feedback on this system
  • Respawn changes
    • General Respawn Changes
      • In some games, people almost respawn back into the objective or target they are defending, this is causing problems and really needs to be addressed. I'm going to be moving the respawns before our first 2013 game. I will be trying to find areas where players will respawn back in to "neutral" territory and have to walk a little bit to get back to base. I have one respawn figured out for the front part of the field (Death Valley), but I am having a difficult time finding a place for another respawn for Bunker Hill and the back end of the field. I could use some help figuring that out. I have marked the location of the new front respawn on this mark with a red "X"
    • Changes to "Checkpoints" gametype.
      • Right now players respawn at any checkpoint their team has captured. This used to work just fine, but lately has been a mess. In reality as the number of players increases this mess will only get worse with the current respawn system. I will be changing this game mode, players will only respawn at their home base, which is cannot be captured or camped by the enemy.Victory will be decided by who controls the most checkpoints on the trail.
  • New Field Additions 
    • We added two new bases in the past year, in the coming year I would like to add another base, expand the existing bases, and add features (even if decorative) to the field that give it character and help people remember the geography of the field. A could of possible additions are as follows.
      • 1. A CQB area near "Death Valley".
        • This change is one that has been specifically requested by multiple players. If we do this I think the flat land around "Death Valley" would be an ideal spot for some CQB. We could try to secure some crates, barrels, and tires and build up some walls and barricades. Our FPS limits a little high for typical CQB, so the CQB area would probably be a semi or side arms only area. Building a CQB portion onto the field would add a definite challenge to capturing and defending "Death Valley".
      • 2. A missile launch field element.
        • This project will happen, I'm just not sure where. I've priced the project and can get is done for 20 or 30 dollars. It will consist of a single "missile" at least ten feet tall that will stand vertically. It will be used in scenarios and as a landmark for navigating the field.
    • Again any feedback on how to build the CQB course, or where to place the missile element would be appreciated.
  • Summer Charity "OP"
    • This summer we host a one-day pay game that will be set as an "OP" or scenario (think Mil-Sim lite), there will be three factions and the name of the event will be "Rising Sun". I am currently working on a story line and art work to back up the event. We will charge for this event and possibly have a raffle as well. We will hopefully get some new additions to the field done before this time and able to debut them for this game (The missile must be done by this time). Proceeds will benefit charity.
  • Finally, money and finances
    • It is my goal to keep the typical Resurrection Airsoft game free, but the truth of the matter is that this costs money, and expansion will cost a lot of money. The church has offered to sponsor us in several different ways, but at the end of the day, we have to start generating our own funding. I have several ideas on how may accomplish this, but I need feedback to know if each individual idea is worth doing.
      • Gun Rentals- I am about to buy a box lot of "bone yard" guns that need to be repaired. I am going to take at least one gun in this lot and, after I repair it, donate it to Resurrection Airsoft for use as a rental gun. I think I can do a rental of an AEG, a face mask, and BB's for $30 and we would make between $10 and $15 per rental. This would also allow players who don't have their own equipment to try the game out.
      • BB sales-  Several of you have suggested that I sell BBs at the games to generate funds for the field. This is a good idea, but it is complicated by the need to sell Biodegradable BB's. I have been shopping around and I've found that I can order "Elite Force" brand biodegradable .20g bbs for $15.41 per 5000, I could then sell these at games for $20 and make $4.59 per bottle. This price makes us competitive with for the identical product, but is nowhere near competing with the price of the Crosman bios that are available at Walmart (These bb's are much nicer than the crosman btw). What I need to know is how many of you would purchase these @ $20? If I can get an idea of how many of you would do it, that would help me figure out how many people might buy them overall.
      • Selling a "field membership"/t-shirt
        • This idea is simple, we selling an optional "field membership" to Resurrection Airsoft that includes a "T-shirt" with the price of membership. Each year we put out a new shirt (or maybe a hat or something to change it up) and profit on the sale or the item/membership. I could also implement a system were members get perks like not having to chrono before every event (chronoing once a year, and getting the result listed on the member card). I think a $30 membership would give us $15 to $20 in raised funds, depending on the amount of shirts we sell.
      • Again feedback on any of these fundraising ideas, or any new fundraising ideas would be appreciated.
    • Currently we have access to $70 cash from sales and donations, we have access to more funding from the church, but it must be approved on a case by case basis.

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